Class | Description |
AbstractConverted<VInner,VOuter> |
Represents an object that transform elements of type VInner to type VOuter and back again.
CachedCollection<T> |
Represents a set that will (best effort) cache elements before using
an underlying set to retrieve the actual element.
CachedSet<T> |
Represents a cached set.
ConvertedCollection<VInner,VOuter> |
Represents a collection that wraps another collection by transforming the elements going in and out.
ConvertedList<VInner,VOuter> |
Represents a list that wraps another list by transforming the items going in and out.
ConvertedMap<Key,VInner,VOuter> |
Represents a map that wraps another map by transforming the entries going in and out.
ConvertedSet<VInner,VOuter> |
Represents a set that wraps another set by transforming the items going in and out.